Lisa Bartle is a reference librarian at California State University, San Bernardino.
She earned a BA in English (1990) and an MA in English, with an emphasis on Medieval and Renaissance poetry, prose, and drama (1993).
After working as a student in one of UCSB's libraries, then a staff member at the UCR Physical
Sciences Library, she decided to earn a Masters in Library and Information Science and become a
librarian. She graduated from the University of California, Los Angeles in 1997. While attending
UCLA she came up with the idea for the Database of Award-Winning Children's
Below is a list of articles or presentations including DAWCL.
- Ontell, Val. "Imagine That! Science Fiction as a Learning Motivation." San Diego Mesa College.
- CAELA, Center for Adult English Language Acquisition. Parent Education Overview, Part 3.
- Kelly, Clare. Using the Internet for Reading for Young People and Parents. LifeSteps.
- ALSC, Association of Library Services to Children. "Navigating the 'Net with Your Kids." American Library Association, 2008.
- Oosthuizen, Sue. "A Novel Fairy Godmother." Sunday Tribute (Durban). Dec. 21, 2008. page 13.
- Leu, Dong J. et. al. "The Lessons that Children Teach Us: Integrating Children's Literture and the New Literacies of the Internet." Reading Teacher. v.57.5 (2004): 496-503.
- Junion-Metz, Gail. "And the Winner is ..." School Library Journal, v.52.4 (2006): 30.
- Picard, Carol A. and Linda Button. "You Can
Count on Literature: Resources on and off the Web to Teach Math and
Literature." Reading Teacher, v.55.5 (2002): 464.
- Partch, Jackie. "Most useful place in your life
as a teacher of children's literature." Library Journal,
v.126.1 (2001): 48.
- Serchay, David S. "Webdiary." Library
Journal, v.126.7 (2001): 52
- Bartle, Lisa. "The Database of Award-Winning
Children's Literature: A Free, Web-Accessible Database." College
&Undergraduate Libraries, 7.2 (2000): 105-110.
- Bartle, Lisa. "Mounting a Web-Accessible
Database: A Model for Beginners." College &
Undergraduate Libraries 7.2, (2000): 111-121.
- Bartle, Lisa "Effective Use of the
Database of Award-Winning Children's Literature."
ILIPP Information Literacy Institute.
Venice High School, Venice, CA.
11 Mar. 2000.
- Bartle, Lisa. "Database of Award-Winning
Children's Literature." Poster Session Forum.
California Library Association Conference. Palm Springs Convention
Center, Palm Springs. 14 Nov. 1999.
- Bartle, Lisa. "Database of Award-Winning
Children's Literature." Poster Session Forum.
California Academic and Research Libraries Conference. Asilomar
Conference Center, Pacific Grove. 12 Oct. 1999.
- "Eye on the Web." The Australian.
August 23, 1999: 15.
- Bartle, Lisa. Interview with Daniel Zwerdling.
Weekend All Things Considered. NPR. 7 Aug. 1999.
- Margolis, Rick. "The Hits Just Keep
Coming: The Database of Award-Winning Children's Literature is
Now a Radio Celebrity." School Library Journal. September
(1999): 117.
- Richtel, Matt. "A Web Page-Turner."
Yahoo! Internet Life. July (1999):78-79.
Lisa is deeply committed to the idea of providing information for free.
She believes that the Internet has given everyone the ability to collaborate,
to create new services, and to share information. In May 2002, she created
ABC-Lit: An Index to Children's Literature
Scholarship -- another free resource to aid those interested in
children's literature, which is now suspended due to difficulties with service providers. |